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Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Resolutions...

...could also be called, "Things I Will Do Differently, This Year". So in that spirit, here are my top priorities for 2010:

  1. Continue to party like it's 1999. I want this to be a year of celebrating my kids, family and friends and not a year of stern correction, regret, judgement or pity.
  2. Reach out to people who made a positive difference in my life and tell them about it.
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  4. Call my Mom and Grandmother more often.
  5. SHOW my wife how much I love her- through small things, more often.
  6. Organize my office and car.
  7. Serve others more. I am being called to serve the homeless and just need to do it. And I'm not talking one Christmas meal a year.
  8. Read the bible to my kids more often. Could be a great way to wrap up dinner.
  9. Listen to my girls more often. Really listen.
  10. Stop... be still... breath.
  11. Keep my calendar a bit less full

What are your top 3?

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Nocotine Stained...

...moustache, bourbon and cigarette breath, St. Nick forever destroys the image of the jolly fat man in the impressionable minds of the Green boys (Alan on left, Scott on right). For more Santas pushing the envelope of creepy, visit

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Blessings...

...are different things to different people. I've been thinking a lot about a blog that my buddy Todd recently posted entitled, "Too Blessed To Be Stressed". I think he was spot on in his analysis of what most Americans consider to be "God's Blessings". Some may say, "I am blessed because I have things", but isn't that just slick way of saying "I have more blessings (er, things) because God really likes me better than most"?
My pastor, incidentally, made the same point, last night, in a different way. He said, "If you are following Christ for the "blessings", you are committing idolatry. Good point. There is perhaps another way to look at this as well and from the opposite direction. How many of us dwell on the crap called life that hits us between the eyes while completely ignoring what are truly blessings from God?
I suppose that for me, the true test of whether something is a "blessing" seems to center less around "things" and more around people. My family and friends, kith and kin bless me daily. And I know without doubt that they have been sent directly from God. As for my new Blu Ray that the jolly fat man left me last night, not so much. Ah, but the coupon book from my 11 year old daughter with 1 free shoulder massage, among other things she thought would be nice... a priceless blessing.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


...of the Neeley story, via WIS. Click here

Friday, December 18, 2009


...I am feeling quite a few emotions. Sadness and pride, fear and admiration all mix together upon learning the news that my college roommate and dear friend Chris Neeley has been called to serve in Afghanistan. He will deploy in 3 weeks for a 1 year tour of duty in the most dangerous place in the world. Please pray for Chris, his wife Janie and their two children.

Freedom is a funny thing. A gift for which there is a heavy price, but no more so than on the backs of our soldiers. Soldiers like my friend Chris. We will miss you, but can't wait to celebrate your return. And thank you, Chris.
Here is an excerpt from Chris' letter to family and friend announcing his assignment:

Dear Friends, Wednesday afternoon I learned that I am deploying to Afghanistan for a one year tour starting in three weeks. Like all Guardsmen and Reservists, I knew the day would come when I would be asked to go -- I just didn't expect it to happen so soon. Obviously, Janie and the kids are very upset, as am I. No one in our house slept a wink the last two nights. We will get through this tour. Thankfully, we have a strong family, friend and church network in Columbia that can help us deal with the emotional stress of the separation.
Ok, so what will I be doing in Afghanistan? As I told my son Thursday night, "I will not be knocking down doors." Instead, I will be the Public Affairs Officer (PAO) for the 178th Field Artillery (FA) Battalion for the South Carolina Army National Guard. Our mission is two-fold: Counter-Insurgency and Provincial Reconstruction. As the PAO for the Battalion, I will travel across 13 provinces meeting with local tribal leaders and government officials to continue building relationships on behalf of the United States and our foreign allies. I am confident my political experience will come in handy! I will also be responsible for escorting international and national embedded media outlets in country, producing web based stories and fielding press inquiries from media outlets back home. The 178th FA is one of the most decorated and oldest Battalions in South Carolina. They get their nickname, "The Swamp Fox," from Revolutionary War hero Francis Marion (if you saw The Patriot, then you know Francis Marion). This will be an exciting, challenging and yes, a very dangerous adventure. It will sorta be like camp -- only the bears in Afghanistan shoot back! I will keep you posted on our progress by posting threads and pics on the web.
Feel free to call and write Janie and the kids to offer words of encouragement. They will need a lot of support and prayers while I am gone. I will miss each of you dearly. I look forward to returning in January 2011 as a better Soldier, friend, son, brother, father and husband. I am honored to serve our Country and to follow in the long line of patriotic men and women who have fought to defend freedom around the world. I know the Lord will watch over me during this time of service.
Yours in Freedom, Chris

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Caption This

Some of the best responses on this blog seem to be the "Caption This" picture opportunities. This seems like a good one to me, so let's give it a try. What should the caption be? I'll attempt to get you started with: "No, it's not very practical but it looks great in my pocket.", Arnie exclaimed.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

OK, A Harder One

Where in SC is this?

Monday, December 14, 2009

OK, An Easy One

Where in SC is this short but descriptive advertising posted?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Don't Know Why...

...I got on a kick of bashing Facebook some weeks ago. At the time I was under the delusion (probably instigated by stress and caffeine) that Facebook was one of the best examples of a social outlet which lacked authenticity. While I still believe that to a certain extent, I think it's also rather prevalent even under my own roof.

After all, what's the first thing you do when the doorbell unexpectedly rings? For me, I tuck in my shirt, throw the can of cheese whiz back in the pantry, quickly and neatly stack the strewn magazines and mail into one pile and, if I have time, sedate the dog. Voila! "Welcome to my home, Mr. UPS Man. Charmed!"

Then I began to examine the walls of my home, full of framed smiling faces and wonderful places. They even smile when I'm pounding the walls and yelling for the kids to hurry up. "We're late for church, you slacker ingrates!" And despite my seemingly non-Christian rants, the pictures continue to smile, reminding me of the times I didn't want to pack my bags and leave for Ireland. (or Conway or Aiken for that matter)

I guess the point is, what's the matter with putting on your best face? As long as in the end, we can be honest with ourselves, our family and friends. In the end, being "real" with one another is what friendship is all about. Anyway, I look forward to your next visit and we'll enjoy the remaining cheeze whiz in the pantry. You, of course, can have that first 1/2 inch of hardened squirt, my authentic gift to you.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Human Fund...

...was the fictional charity that George devised to save himself money during the Christmas season. Below is how I imagine that his card read. Check out the clip on YouTube by clicking here.

The rest of this commentary has been removed because my wife reminded me of a certain incident from over a year ago. I will learn by that famous removal of commentary and do the same. Thanks, Management

Chuck contemplates his fate

Friday, December 4, 2009

Am I Blessed, Or What?

Here are a few photos from a November photoshoot.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Outrageous... a pretty strong word. Especially when used in the context of entertainment. I found this card in a coffee shop in Greenville, SC. The question I keep asking myself is simply what constitutes "outrageous entertainment"? Semi-dangerous stunts from the stage? Pantsless card tricks? I really want to know.

In any case, I love the fact that Bernie is a self proclaimed magician, musician, comedian, emcee and host. And if he's pretty good at all of those things, then by golly that's outrageous talent.