I've decided I'd like to shake up Sunday mornings, starting tomorrow. We are currently in the sad routine which occurs every morning on the "Lord's Day". Leslie and I wake up late, make a mad dash for the shower, slurp some coffee, yell at the kids, yell at each other, eat a cereal bar in the car, yell at the kids some more... all in an effort to go worship our heavenly Father.
Tomorrow, shall be different. I will get up early and be fully prepared for a morning of glorious praise and singing. I will open my heart to all things Godly and pour out loads of fatherly love and wisdom to my children. There will be joy, giggles and hugs tomorrow morning in the Green household. Yes, that sounds wonderful.
And if the kids get out of line, I'll lovingly but firmly redirect them. And I suppose if that doesn't work, I'll have to beat their stinkin' butts one more time, just like every other Sunday morning. Aahh. A new day begins tomorrow.