...in this world is sometimes not as easy as it sounds. For one thing, even though there are millions of ways to get involved in helping others, not all of those ways are right for everyone. Leslie and I found it particularly important to find something that our entire family could participate in. And in the searching, we found such a place.
The general definition of respite care is the provision of short-term, temporary relief to those who are caring for family members who might otherwise require permanent placement in a facility outside the home. Our church, Saxe Gotha Presbyterian, offers such a program which caters to the needs of families with young children with special needs. Twice a month, we have the pleasure (and I do mean that in the most sincere way) of spending time with wonderful children, most of whom have been diagnosed with autism or other developmental challenges. And through this time, we as a family have grown to love these kids and in some way through the process love and appreciate each other a bit more.
The one thing that is always clear from the parents of these children is gratefulness. Gratefulness for the program, for our time and for a break in the week. As thankful as they are, I'm even more thankful to spend time with these unique and loving children. The Green's are the grateful ones. Thanks for allowing us the opportunity.
That's really cool, especially that in "serving" you guys end up being the one's grateful and "served". Gotta love the teaching/learning moments with family. Thanks for sharing that.
We are never more like Jesus than when we are giving, my friend.
That's really cool. Children feel need more acutely than adults. Working with some of those children in Guatemala I was struck by how many of those keeds just needed to be held and hugged. Even by a crazy gringo like me.
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