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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How Many Days Until Christmas?!

OK. It's officially crunch time! With less than 7 days of shopping left, I have... nothing. Wish me luck, I shall need it.


Kyle said...

Go boy!
Ride ye into that good night with full wallet and purchaseth vast presentry! They fambly dependeth upon ye, now RIDE!!!

Rick said...

My advice: wait til Wed 12/24 and go to Bath & Bodyworks. Those ladies working will feel sorry for you. They will help you buy presents for your wife. You need buy nothing else - make her happy, and you will survive.

Martha said...

I love the scented soaps at B&B. It is also a good idea to let your fingers do the walking with online shopping. Still time to ship FEDEX! Thank the good Lord for that guy that founded that company!

Martha said...

I love the scented soaps at B&B. It is also a good idea to let your fingers do the walking with online shopping. Still time to ship FEDEX! Thank the good Lord for that guy that founded that company!