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Thursday, February 4, 2010

I Felt Sorry...

...for my newly bald friend, Chris Neeley. So I thought it might make him feel better to have a recent picture with the same head of hair that he had some 23 years ago.

It seemed to look better on him back then, don't you think?


George said...

That hairdo requires acid-washed jeans, a Union Bay logo tee shirt, and a rad pair of Vans checkered shoes.

Dusty and Zoey go west! said...

That is too funny. Chris is so blessed to have you and all of the other guys as friends. It seems like yesterday when you and Chris looked just like that.

God & Country said...

That looks disgusting! At first I didn't realize it was my hair from 1987. I think I'll keep the Kojak look!
Peels Out

Alan said...

Well, I thought of giving you my hair from 1987, but it seemed way too self promoting. I think I prefer your new sleaker style as well, Chris.