...and BJs, Costco and just about any other type of wholesale club warehouse (I had those names listed in a different order, making an interesting title but thought better of it). It's not so much the cost savings, as advertised on the commercials. The fact is we probably spend more at Sam's than we would, say, Food Lion. Who can resist a barrel full of animal crackers? I don't even particularly like them, but when they are gone I have a ready made pickled-egg-vat. Perfect for those long, cold nights!
No, the real reason I like wholesale clubs is that I can purchase more of the things I love and not appear to be gluttonous pig. A case and a half of beer? Well, that's all they come in, hon. Three pounds of spicy sausage? That's what's in the pack. A gallon of Squeez Cheez? We'll worry about storage another day.
But the best reason to shop at Sam's is to avoid needless embarrassment. If I walked out of Winn Dixie with 100 rolls of toilet paper, people might wonder-a) the size of my family, or b) perhaps the frequency of my, er, routine. That's way too much information and not something I want people speculating about. However, walk out of Costco with 3 years worth of Tampax and the lady checking your receipt at the door doesn't even give you a wink. It's all in a days work where a box of 250 Slim Jims are as commonplace as 60 packs of Hot Chocolate. Is this heaven?